HERE Seminar “Developing entrepreneurial skills: a new challenge for universities” 1(9-20 April, University of Montpellier, France)

Participants from Ukraine:

1. Iryna Zolotaryova, professor of Information Systems Department, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, HERE team member
2. Irina Sikorskaya, International Relations Office Director, Donetsk State University of Management, Mariupol, HERE team member

Description and key information:

Participants: Higher Education Reform Experts (HEREs) from EU neighbouring partner countries, National Erasmus+ Offices’ (NEOs) representatives, European and Partner countries experts, representatives from the host institution (University of Montpelier).

The two-day Seminar was opened by welcome address from by Anne SPANGEMACHER, EACEA project officer and Nadia LAGARDE, vice-director of International Relations Department vice-rector of the University of Montpellier
Michael GAEBEL, SPHERE Team presented the program, idea and the tasks of the Seminar.

Objectives of the seminar:

This HERE study visit was primarily designed to assist HERE partner country universities to improve their ability to provide knowledge-based entrepreneurial skills and opportunities to students and researchers. Initially it was planned to tackle research and innovation management, teaching and course design, outreach activities and international collaboration, as well as student support. The Seminar presenters highlighted the role of universities in the entrepreneurship ‘ecosystem’, which consists of students, professors, administrators, investors, companies, regulatory bodies and legal frameworks. The study visit allowed HERE to consider to which extent entrepreneurism is embedded in existing innovation, research and teaching activities and to subsequently to plan strategies and structures that will enhance the ‘entrepreneurship offer’ of the institution and the ability of the institution to contribute to the full cycle of innovation and entrepreneurship, or the entrepreneurship ‘ecosystem’, in their countries and regions. Focused on the University of Montpellier in France, the visit also gauged cultural and normative contexts and regulatory frameworks that could impact the entrepreneurism and innovation of young graduates and researchers in order to promote ways to circumvent obstacles of this nature.

The participants – HERE of different profiles (members of ministries, managers and professors in universities, administrators, as well as student HERE) were planned to gain first-hand insight how the University of Montpellier would design and implement strategies, teaching and services relevant to entrepreneurship. This visit was supposed to be interactive, engaging different staff members and students from the institution, as well as local partners.

During the seminar the participants were expected to obtain the following Learning Outcomes:
• Understand the process of defining and implementing university strategies for supporting entrepreneurship, especially of young graduates and researchers
• Devise strategies for better defining and activating universities in entrepreneurship ecosystems
• Support curricular development and teaching innovation, oriented at fostering entrepreneurial skills
• Study and discuss university support structures and services that serve the same aim



Keynote speeches

Nadia LAGARDE, vice-director of International Relations Department, UM
Presentation of the actions and strategies in the Montpellier region: Opportunities for entrepreneurship and the policy context

François PIERROT, coordinator of MUSE and vice-rector for valorisation and industrial partnerships

How to enhance the link between the business world and the university. University of Montpellier Excellence project

Presentation of University of Montpellier Excellence project (MUSE): Funding by the French government to boost the university on both the national and international higher education-research scene. Over 150 private partners supported MUSE in this competition for further investment and partnerships between the university and the business world


Claire RIFFAT, responsible of communication at LabEx Entreprendre

LabEx Entreprendre: how to build and disseminate knowledge on entrepreneurship with research teams in law, economics and management

Typhaine DEBOT, quality manager and Léa COSTES, project manager

Innovative strategies and projects for supporting student entrepreneurship – Part 1
Presentation of “Junior Entreprise”

The Junior Enterprise is based on the principle of a consulting office for enterprises. It is composed by students of French Universities at national level. In Montpellier, the Moma Junior Counsel represents this association.
Presentation on the development of the Junior Enterprise group, objectives and competences linked to its importance in the entrepreneurship ecosystem.
• Presentations of students’ projects
• Discussion and examples of good practices from HERE countries

Christina THEODORAKI – PhD in Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Innovative strategies and projects for supporting student entrepreneurship – Part 2
Promoting Entrepreneurship: Moma Start’up Event

The Moma Start’Up Event is a challenge to promote the creation of enterprises. This challenge is proposed to the students of Master in Entrepreneurship and SMEs at Montpellier Management faculty.
Intervention of three students

Hervé CHAPERT, teacher-researcher at Montpellier Research Management (MRM)

Exploring the interfaces of innovation, entrepreneurship, and “coopetition” focus on coopetition innovation

This research on ‘coopetition’ and alliance focuses on 3 main questions: 1) The reasons why enterprises adopt these strategies, 2) the implementation and management of these strategies and 3) the impact of this kind of strategy on performance. More advanced research concerns management of coopetition and alliances, and its impact on innovation and market performances.

Colin CARRERE, Policy officer for PEPITE LR

Presentation of the innovative and entrepreneurial centre for students “PEPITE LR”

The PEPITE LR centre has the objective to promote the entrepreneurial culture and spirit for students. The centre assists the students in their projects of creating an enterprise. The purpose of this session will be to present the role of the local players, their impacts and the relation between them and the higher education institutions.
Discussion on student support services and centres for entrepreneurship



Loïc DOMINGUEZ, president of IAE StartUp Lab
IAE Startup Lab: promoting employability and innovative entrepreneurship
IAE Startup Lab is a student association whose goal is to promote employability and innovative entrepreneurship among students at the University of Montpellier. The association gives access to various tools and allows student to create their own network.

Bastien CLERGUE, PhD in management sciences
Presentation of research study on the phenomena induced by the emergence of crowfunding in the landscape of entrepreneurial finance

Christina THEODORAKI, PhD in Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Building an entrepreneurial support ecosystem for teaching: novel perspectives and teaching practices

Vukasin GROZDIC, Serbia and Aleya SERAGELDIN, Egypt
Two HEREs present their innovative practices for teaching entrepreneurship
Group exercise: Teaching entrepreneurial skills

Participants are divided into three groups –A short case study or good practice in presented by a HERE as an introduction. The HERE then brainstorm obstacles for resourcing and supporting teaching and learning regarding entrepreneurship and possible ways to inspire change.

In general all the speakers and presenters covered the general topic of understanding of how entrepreneurship is understood in the context of the university, it’s mission, vision, main actors and stakeholders. Despite the importance of entrepreneurship to modern economies, the role of higher education institution in developing an entrepreneurial mindset of students is still in dispute, especially in Partner countries. Special attention was paid at curriculum development, and extra-curriculum activities aimed at exploring the entrepreneurial intentions of students and
on critical capability requirements for start-ups. The case-studies of cooperation with local business were also presented as an overarching review of the business models of entrepreneurial universities.

It was commonly recognized by all the participants that tertiary education, is a very important vital
component in the creation and continuing development of entrepreneurial attitudes of students.



Ukrainian higher education institutions mostly underestimate the important role of Entrepreneurial education. They need to integrate change into learning environments and develop informal networks between themselves, their students and businesses. In this regards the following recommendations could be suggested:

1. Entrepreneurial education should become vivid and focused at the institutional agenda.
2. University- business engagement should be initiated on the ground of the long-term partnership and fruitful cooperation
3. Awareness to consider more thoroughly – Developing entrepreneurial teaching and learning
4. Universities must engage key stakeholders within and outside the university, including university leadership, teaching staff, students, as well as local entrepreneurs and businesses
5. Entrepreneurship education should be mission driven and bottom-up/initiative driven to increase employability
6. Best practices and good example should be more widely spread
7. Trustworthy communication between the partners. Joint seminars, conferences and regular meetings, organization of events around current themes (innovation, entrepreneurship, startup) will also support the sense of unity, and help contribute effectively in cooperation with local entrepreneurs.
8. Connecting students and professionnals in order to achieve professionnal missions
9. Iinclusion specific courses on Eentrepreneurship and Innovation to enrich the curriculum and to prepare the students for the future labour market
10. The role of ICT and e-learning should be recognized as an important tool for outreach and inclusion for different needs for different student profiles and types
11. Need to share university practices to stimulate development of national strategy is also critical.

Попередня Information Day of the Erasmus+ Programme (19.04.2018, Chernigiv)